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#westcanterbury - 'The Goods!'

#westcanterbury - 'The Goods!'

The Benmore ride in the Korowai Tussocklands is the epitome of gnarly technical scree riding, I was peaking most of the day... 

Salsa Pony Rustler

Salsa Pony Rustler

First impressions after 10 hours on the Salsa Pony Rustler.  

Revelate to innovate

Revelate to innovate

Taking Revelate Designs bikepacking bags for a test drive in the hills behind Oxford.  

Ep3 - Dogs Range to Potts Hut

Ep3 - Dogs Range to Potts Hut

Remote and seldom ridden. Dogs range is big country. A great backcountry location for a sub 24hr overnight bikepacking mission.