Adventure History
image by @extremekidproductions
Professional outdoor work history
2004- present Thousands of kilometres of back country Bikepacking, hike in inflatable kayaking and pack raft trips and most recently bikerafting trips. since 2016 Deane has been acting as a brand ambassador during his trips, regular video blogs, gear reviews and Adventure Films.
2000-2004 Owner/operator of Riverplay, white water rafting and kayaking. Based in Hokitika and offering hike in inflatable kayaking and exclusive access to the Arahura river, also guided heli kayaking.
1995-2000 Director of Ultimate Descents, white water rafting and kayaking. Based out of Murchison and specialising in multi day heli rafting on the West Coast.
1989-1995 Mountain biking and road cycling, Nelson.
Film Work:
2021 Kopiko, The Film. An 1100km journey into the heartland of the North Island of NZ. Selected as a finalist for the 2021 NZ Mountain Film Festival.
2020 Forgotten Highways, The Film. A cultural and adventure experience filmed around the Whanganui National Park. Awarded a Judges choice at the 2020 NZ Mountain Film festival.
2019 Fluid Trails- Kahurangi Bikerafting Epic, The Film. An 11 day journey around Kahurangi National Park by packraft and bike. Selected as a finalist for the 2019 NZ Mountain Film Festival. Salsa Cycles coverage here. Alpacka Raft coverage here. Aqua-bound coverage here. coverage here.
2018 Looking Down is Looking Up, The Film. Bikepacking film made as a collaboration with production company, Extremekid Productions and sponsored by Salsa Cycles. salsa coverage here, here
2017 Waiau-Toa Odyssey, Bike & Packrafting Odyssey Adventure Film. Best NZ made film for the 2017 New Zealand Mountain Film Festival! Film website here.
2002 episode of Explorers, a TVNZ production that retraced some of the perilous journeys undertaken by New Zealand's pioneers. Filmed on the Buller river.
2002 episode of Adventure Guide TV, aired on TVNZ1 a 30 minute film of the first raft descent of the Upper Arahura river.
1998 Mild Seven commercial, river safety and stunt double at Maruia Falls.
1997 IMAX panda movie, river safety and stunt double on Buller river.
First Descents
2018 East Branch Poulter River?
2002 first raft descent Upper Arahura river
2002 Falls Creek, Hokitika, West Coast
2000 Bliss Falls, Toaroha River, West Coast
1999 Parapara River, Golden Bay
1998 Slate River, Golden Bay
1998 first raft Descent North fork Mokihinui river, Buller
1997 Cobb river, Golden Bay
1997 Upper Waingaro river, Golden Bay